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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  April 29, 2014 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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broadcast. >> controversy at center court, why the coach of the warriors is telling fans to boycott the play offgame tonight. >> and we have a major heat wave, temperatures soar from yesterday's high. and then a little cooling, maybe showers thursday into the weekend. we got a lot to go over in your full forecast. air quality pollen levels in moments. >> and we have news on your commute as well. one of the factors are slow getting across the bridge. i'll give you that update coming up. and a live look outside this morning. this t is tuesday, april 29th. this is "today in the bay." >> announcer: from nbc bay area, this is "today in the bay." >> welcome, everyone, i'm scott mcgrew. we begin with breaking news, a man who shot six people in a
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fedex facility is dead. the facility is on lockdown. police are going through the building looking for more victims. all six people shot are at a nearby hospital. the conditions are not known but we're told one is rushed into surgery. fedex is aware of the situation and cooperating with authorities. again it does appear as police have the scene under control with the gunman now dead. we'll continue to monitor the situation and bring you updates as soon as we get them. now to a developing story, millions are mens are still in the path of potentially deadly tornadoes. take a look at this radar. right now the storm is churning through georgia after tearing through the midwest and deep south. at least 28 people have died within the last 48 hours and tens of thousand of people in several states still without power. yesterday, about three dozen tornadoes ripped through alabama, tennessee, and mississippi. in fact, one nbc weatherman was live on the air in mississippi
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when he yelled to his co-work toers get out of the news room. now. >> go! now. >> the tv station later tweeted, we are all safe here. we will go live to alabama for a look at damage, coming up in our next half an hour. >> thank you very much, scott. today the nba will be addressing alleged racist comments made by the owner of the l.a. clippers. a hotly anticipated news conference will reveal whether or not donald sterling will be disciplined. today's peggy bunker joins us with the punishment that will be handed down. >> that's what everybody is waiting for. this is truly a defining moment for the nba. and of course a defining moment for commissioner adam silver. he'll announce at 11:00 a.m. 2:00 new york time. how the nba will respond to the alleged comments made by donald
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sterling. you see him there. commissioner silver promised to act quickly. possible outcome. he does have authority to get the lifetime suspension to fine him 1 million bucks. not sure if they could force him to sell the clippers which sterling purchased for $12 million. he thinks that a boycott of all clippers' games is the way to go. that just hurts players. the team's value is 575 million bucks. sports attorney, xavier pope said that's where you have to hit sterling where it hurts. >> they are hitting him where it counts. his pocketbook. hurting a potential sale, his team's value. that's where this is so far hitting. look at responsed who backed off. red bull, state farm, corona, sprint. we also heard from michael
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jordan, owner of charlotte bobcats, weighing in as many owners are. jordan said, i'm completely outraged. there's no room in the nba or anywhere else for this racism. i'm appalled this ignorance still exists in this country and at the highest level of sports. the naacp just announced they would like to meet with commissioner silver as well to discuss the influence and impact of racism in the national babble association. they say this event is a reminder, racism, bigotry is still alive. >> still exists. >> in some places, in professional sports but you think, boy, what year is it now? it's pretty amazing. >> the boycotts continue. the clippers coming here to play the warriors. >> some players say that just hurts the players and fans and bottom line. >> the pocketbook. all right. thanks so much. scott. >> this morning, state leaders looking to close loophole on
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laws against sexual assault and cyberbullying. the proposal comes from a response that garnered national attention. today we're live in saratoga with more detail on audrey's law. good morning. >> good morning you to, scott. it is a heartbreaking story. today, audrey's law goes before a public safety committee in sacramento. they're going to look at details aimed at ending bullying, cyberbullying and sexual assault. you recall 15-year-old audrey potts took her own life back in september of 2012 after she drank too much at a house party and passed out. she awoke to find messages, words scribbled on her body. afterward, facebook messages suggest she knew pictures were taken and perhaps fellow students knew she had been assaulted as well. the teen boys were charged in juvenile court, 30 to 45 days. today that public safety
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committee in sacramento is looking at sb 830 a. that would make it easier to bring adult charges and a potential for a longer sentence, against suspects who were juvenile or assault victims too intoxicated or mentally impaired to fight back. there could also be criminal enhancement if that offender shares electronic photos or texts specifically meant to bully the victim. that hearing starts at 5:00 this morning. audrey's dad is among the speakers. thank you. in the meantime the white house will announce measures to combat sexual assault on college campuses. they came up with recommendations for schools across the country. first they're asking them to conduct surveys to understand the extent of sexual assault on college campus. the task force is also asking schools to implement bystander intervention program to
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encourage people to step in when they see someone in trouble. they can also suggest ways to help victims of sexual assault after the crime occurs. the task force created a website called not with additional resources. >> a group of san jose state students trying to organize a walkout in protest of fee increases. students are upset about a student success, excellent and technology fee. they say, despite the title, most of that money goes fund the athletic department. they want to be reimbursed. those fees are tacked on to the student tuition and determined by the success of the university. it's time to give you a live look outside and check the forecast, the other shot looks a little hazy in this. things are certainly going to warm up. let's check in with christina. >> i thought you were going to take that one as well.
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55 degree, san francisco, oakland 51. 48 in livermore. let me tell you, the weather story of the day, via your live pictures. look at that. we switch it out just in time. i've got a little weather producer. he's fast. nice job. you can see we're nice and fog-free over the bay. i want to bring back that picture for good reason. you see the golden gate bridge, oceanside completely visible. we don't have any fog, no clouds out there. this is a sign of a very warm day ahead. we're going to be heading out this tuesday. this is san jose, a little low cloud cover, not a lot. patchy fog, by 8:00 a.m. rapid warming between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. we're talking about conditions that are warm enough to cause heat exhaustion. you want to take it easy and drink lots of water. this will be the warmest day of the year so far. yeah, definitely want to take it
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easy out there. keep in mind you have the little ones headed to school. they have blacktops, dress them in breathable clothing. 79 in san francisco, love that shot. and 88 degrees in the south bay. i know we can take the upper 80s. can you take the triple inge dig digits? coming up, right now, let's check the drive and traffic tuesday. >> there you go. good morning. it is traffic tuesday. i'm going to give you a fair warning right here. the bay bridge toll plaza is filled in. metering lights on. in fact before the metering lights are turned on we have another shot of the sunset in the background. i'm focusing on the traffic. good job over there, team. look over here towards the maps. another shot of the bay bridge. metering light turned on, means traffic flow smoothly. look at that as you head towards treasure island. much more traffic on the span. we showed you that. back to the map. we show you the slow drive
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toward treasure island. typical pattern. slow rolling we're talking about. heading to san francisco. that's cleared the bridge without further incident. even tuesday showing a pretty good volume. light volume, coming down the east bay. there is slowing arouaround altamont. the rest of the bay looks really good. 101, where it says san jose at the bottom. let me give you a better shot. 101 shows slowing near san jose international airport. we'll send it back you to. thanks. sunnyvale city council will address parking at the stadium. they'll designate certain private lots as official off site stadium parking. lot owners have to apply for an annual permit and that allows them to charge whatever they
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want for parking on game days. off site parking would be banned in all other areas of the city. 678 >> 6:120, w0 why it will be eas find out if favorite spots pass through safety inspection. >> and drivers are ready for the south bay roads. we'll tell you what google says. >> and a live look outside. the sharks are ready to win. the game seven is tomorrow. i believe tickets are still available. let's win! got a story for investigator bay unit? call the tip line or e-mail us at
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here are today's top stories. the gunman in a shooting in a
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fedex center in atlanta is dead after an apparent suicide. authorities say the man walked into a facility in georgia and shot six people. all of the victims in the hospital we're told at least one is in emergency surgery. >> the san jose woman accused of stabbing her 7-month-old baby boy will be in court this morning. 23-year-old ashley newton confessed to the killing saturday. right now millions of people across the south of bracing for another round of potentially deadly weather. at least 28 people were killed as dozens of tornadoes tore through several states. this morning the santa clara board of supervisors will talk about a proposal that restaurants be more up front can customers. we have more on what it could mean for restaurants and customers the next time you go out to eat. good morning. >> reporter: good morning you to here in san pay doe square.
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elsewhere in santa clara county. if you're going to your favorite restaurant. it's easier to figure out how safe they are and what they're like in terms of cleanliness. as a result of a report done last year. in a few hours, santa clara county board of supervisors will consider implementation of a similar grading system already in effect for the city of los angeles. if approved restaurants in the south bay would have to post a green, yellow or red placard in the window of their establishment. letting customers know whether or not they passed the latest food safety inspection. green would mean they've had more than -- or, just no more than one major violation. yellow would be two or more. that would be a conditional pass. red would indicate the eatery not only had a violation but failed to fix the problem. the department of environmental health's website would also be posting more information about the restaurant, such as a complete inspection report along
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with a score of zero to 100 reflects how welt restaurant complied with those violations. last year the investigative unity found many restaurants that would not show their inspection report when asked. which is required by law. the unit also discovered that the county's website is vague in its own reporting of violations. there's a ucla study that found in 2003, food bourne illnesses dropped by roughly a third in los angeles, after that city instituted its grading system and that the restaurants ended up making more money if they had the better grade. the silicon valley chamber coalition reportedly expressed its concerns to the board in santa clara county over the $100 fee used to institute this new grading system and there are concerns that it might confuse customers that a straight up pass-fail would be clearen than red, yellow or green. reporting live in san oh hey. >> thanks, bob.
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>> the future of a car that doesn't need a driver may be closer to booking reality. google's self-driving car project logged 700,000 miles at this point. most of them on the freeway. but you see the google video. self-driving cars have been cruising through city streets in mountainview as well. the project's director said the technology is getting better and cars can detect hundreds of distinct objects at the same time. >> we taught the vehicle to recognize and navigate through construction zones. our sensors spot the signs and cones early. and they can change lanes safely. >> you won't have human irerror, you won't have bad judgment. you would theoretically have a safer environment. >> as of right now, google said there's no firm decision when this might be available to the public. it's getting to the subtle things. google said it can detect, you make a right turn. you put your hand up.
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the car can see that now. and knows it will make a right. >> if it allows me more time to sleep in and drive to work. sign me up. >> sleep in the back seat. >> take a look at forecast. live look at san jose and san francisco. sun coming up over the bay area. going to feel like a touch of summer, too. >> let me get this straight. it's the end of april. we're in northern california. so far, i'm okay. and it's going to be 100 degrees. >> yes, that's accurate. >> what happened to april showers, bring may flowers. >> we have a chance for that. the weather story i'm focusing in on, the heat. grab your shades today. extra water and make sure you don't overdo it. we have not seen temperatures for months. talking about warmer days, the triple digits come back into the mix tomorrow. as you know, bay area residents, we don't hit the triple digits all of that often. even the summertime is a rare
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occasion. for us to do it in the spring time. that's why i want to make sure you are aware of it. getting into the last two days of april and temperatures are going to be toasty, feeling like june or july out there. temperatures right now, pretty comfortable for outdoor activities. want to know what to expect as we head out the day. we're only going to be about a degree away from the peninsula. where we're headed. 65 degrees by 9:00 a.m. at lunch time. we are at 78 degrees. you might be kicking on your ac at that point by 3:00 p.m. 87 degrees and then as you are starting to think about going to sleep tonight, temperatures will be very warm at 70 degrees, at 9:00 p.m. once the sun starts to go down. if you live in the city, you don't have ac. close those blinds. and we'll get a nice breeze later on as well. if you want to open up the window, temperatures start to drop off as we head to the 5:00 our. 88 in the south bay. 87 in the peninsula.
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91 degrees for hot wine country today. and even warmer tomorrow. we'll start to drop off as we head into thursday. then some changes coming your way towards the weekend. an area of low pressure moves closer to the coast. that will drop the temperatures friday. we're down to the 70s by saturday and maybe showers sunday morning and temperatures falling into the 60s in san jose by sunday. more weather whiplash. i know. mother nature can't make up their mind. at least mike can. >> it is traffic tuesday. we'll give you a chan to use all your weather icon, we're only using the green, a little orange and yellow. we talk about the build for the south bay. that's what we see around capital expressway. north 101 patches slowing. we show the bagdown north of 680. 85 will follow close suit. typical pattern but a lighter follow for traffic tuesday around the bay.
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as the summer brings us -- spring and summer brings us longer daylight hours, we tend to see the traffic spread out as well. we'll look toward the east bay for slowing. we'll show you eastbound, westbound, 580. a smooth drive through livermore and still slowing through the dublin interchange. and 680 is where we start to see the build. typical there as well as trivalley and caster valley. slower drive but no drum here. heading towards the san mateo bridge. easy drive across the dumbarton bridge. nothing dramatic coming out of richmond. we'll give you that shot of a little slowing coming up through oakland. northbound, we're tipicking up e volume. look how clear that is. a little slowing north of the downtown area. of course the bay bridge toll plaza. southbound we showed you that earlier. look at that. the cash lanes are starting to
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get lighter right now. we'll track traffic tuesday. we're seeing good volume but nothing dramatic. back you to. thank you, mike. let's talk sharks. momentum certainly not on their side. team's back to san jose now, and it's win or stay home in game seven. >> let's just do it at home. facing elimination for the third straight game. the l.a. kings scored three goals to beat the sharks 4-1. the series now even at three games apiece. game seven tomorrow night at the tank. tickets go on sell this morning at 10:00 a.m. >> they now how to make it exciting. >> 6:22. we'll tell you why an up and coming in and out location turned out to be a hoax.
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>> announcer: you're watching "today in the bay." >> linked in will not announce its earnings until saturday but saw their ceo earn 29 million in stock options, almost 19 million in equity awards last year. he made over $1 million in 2012. linkedin, typically hands out stock awards every other year. so it wasn't a complete surprise. for comparison. twitter ceo. dick costollo made $20,000 in
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2013. facebook's made $260,000 when you talk about the 1:00 bay salary. >> oprah can now get their hands on the favorite tea. they started selling oprah chai. an infusion of cinnamon, and gloves, mostly black tea and a south african schrub. for every purchase the donation is made to the oprah winfrey leadership academy. it will cost $15 for 2 ounces. >> you get some tea, you get some tea. >> meanwhile berkeley students are feeling a double-double let down. >> some thought an in and out burger was setting up. but turns out it was a senior blank. many saw the banner announcing a opening of an in and out. the closest franchise, is 11 miles away. the campus is the further out
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from the in and out location. >> if i were an in and out, i'd build one. everybody disappoint there isn't one. >> can the police search your smartphone without a warrant? >> and pets killed in the south bay. we'll tell you who police say is to blame. and update, breaking nows, at least six people were shot inside a fedex facility in georgia. we have new details about the suspects.
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breaking news. at least six people shot inside a fedex facility. what we've just learned from investigators, next. and the heat is on, bay area. starting today, those temperatures soar as we head into tomorrow, peak warmth and then by the end of the week, finally that heat will break. maybe some showers over the weekend. so much to tell you about when it comes to your roller coaster weather ride. >> and a slower ride over here traffic tuesday, what do i mean? there's the berkeley curve.
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there's your company. we have slowdowns as they are quickly building around the bay, coming up. >> and we have a live look for you on wall street. it is redwood city day. you have oracle on the nysc this morning and over on the nasdaq, also from redwood city, informataca separating 15 years since their ipo. this is "today in the bay." >> announcer: from nbc bay area, this is "today in the bay." >> well, good morning redwood city, i'm scott mcgrew. i'm laura garcia canon. we have breaking news near atlanta where police tell us the suspect show shot six people died a self-inflicted gunshot wound. the fedex facility is still on lock down to make sure there are no additional threats. all sex people shot are at nearby hospitals. we're told how serious the
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injuries are. of course to continue to monitor the situation, bring you updates as soon as we get them. >> can police look at information on your cell phone without your consent or woupt a warrant? that's the issue before the supreme court this morning. today in the bay tracy potts is live with more details. good morning, tracy. >> it's actually two cases, one out of california and one out of boston where police got information that led to arrests. problem is your cell phone is not like your wallet or purse police can go through after you've been arrested. it's more like a mini computer, which police would need a warrant. on the other hand you have the obama administration arguing, some of this information can quickly disappear after an arrest, so they need to get it quickly. encryption. remote access, it's key evidence, they argue. those are the cases before the court today. now, there's one key difference in these two cases, one involved
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the smartphone. the other involved a flip phone, a photo on a flip phone. that means we have two cases that have not been consolidated. two different arguments. scott we could end up with two different results. >> that would be interesting, tracey. >> i have nothing but respect for the justices, remember the tv case where scalia was confused how hbo worked? are they going to be able to understand the nuances of cell phones? >> last week we saw that on full display, department we? at one point, the justice said i don't under the movie "social media." so, it is clear they're going to have a bit of a learning curve, perhaps, when it comes to dealing with the technology of cell phones, because part of what they're arguing here, on one side, is that access through cell phones, you're dealing with apps that have access to the cloud, to documents that other types of phones may not have access to. your flip phone can't
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accommodate those kinds of apps. absolutely there's going to be a learning curve for the justices and we'll see what types of questions they ask in a short time from now. >> they all have android and iphone, maybe they'll know. tracey potts. thank you very much. >> 6:33 right now you don't have to check your phone for the forecast. we have a live look outside right now. sun coming up over the bay. we have the forecast right here right now. for meteorologist christina lauren. >> i can tell you which beach will have waves. try that. 60 degrees in concord, 60 degrees in half moon bay. 40 degrees in san jose. we know you can get your weather from the phone. that's why we like to take it a step further. we offer you, the seven day forecast right there at the bottom of the screen for the microclimate. maybe you don't live in the same area you work in. you see what it's like in san
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francisco and san jose. let me tell you it's hot everywhere. 48 degrees in livermore. headed towards comfortable conditions for the first part of the day. between 10:00 and noon, getting warm out there. the reason why, your winds really tell the weather story of the day. a lot of aerios, even in oakland point to the ocean. typically we get the cool natural ac off the pacific. that's what keeps our temperatures so nice here. keep us in the nice mediterranean climate. for today it will feel like summertime all across the board because the offshore wind negates that offshore influence. temperatures work like this. 88 degrees in the south bay. 89 degrees in north bay. we're flirting with reports for today. strong sunshine, peak warmth today. elevated fire danger as well. although we do not have a red flag warning in place. we'll let you know if that
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changes. as we head through the week. the heat returns. you have to get through a couple turns before that happens. giving you a brief overview for today. 89 degrees in the trivalley. these temperatures warm to 94 degrees and we'll stay nice and warm through thursday, mike. yeah. a lot more motorcyclists on the road. >> first of all, you're inaccura inaccurate. that's hot. that's hot, that's hot. >> all right. looking over here. as christina said, watch for the motorcycle drivers, smaller vehicle, look at that blind shot as you're supposed to. this is the berkeley curve. slow irdrive, tail rights away from us. making the turn to the right to the bay bridge, let's look at toll plaza approach. freeway, a slower drive through berkeley and now checking in the with orange. that means speads are coming down. red off 580 in the approach. that means speeds 20 miles an hour, as you approach off 24. then the approach. out of san pablo actually not so
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bad. so holding pretty steady for traffic tuesday. we see a lot more slower drive than tuesday. a lot more traffic on the road. 80, 101, slower drive. heyward, san pablo. 87 and 101, speeds coming down to the upper 50s. let take a look at coming out of the drive. you saw that costco truck drive by. we have slowing in freemont and out of pleasanton. back you to. thank you. we could find out if three middle school students could be charged after investigators say they broke into a high school and killed classroom pets. three teens broke into adrian wilcox high school. they killed a rabbit, duck and rooster kept in the classrooms. the students also accused of vandalizing a snack shop and several cars used in auto shop class.
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if the suspects are charged they'll face cruelty to animals, vandalism and burglary charges. your black and gold update. will matt cain go winless. we have the report on the giants report against the padres. the world of fashion is split in two.
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you can either have high-end or low-price. or you can go to t.j.maxx and you can have it all for up to 50% off department store prices. t.j. maxx.
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this morning, "today" is live. join al roker for first-hand stories of survivingal. hear how some finds shelter to the storm. >> this morning on "today." hey! it's time to talk giants baseball. game two between the giants and
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padres is tonight at 7:15. the g-man will be looking to bounce back after a tough lost last night. . comcast sports net has more on one giant hoping to bust out of a massive slump. >> good morning i'm amy gutierrez. the four-game win streak was snapped by the san diego padres who took game one of the three-game series 6-4. what is going on with brandon bell? he's struggling mightily at the plate on this home stand. he's got 10 strikeouts, 0-15. skipper said he may have to give bell a game off this series. the fact he's hitting just .200. he's 3 for 15 against padre's starter. may sway the decision. giants game two against the san diego paid dris. coming to you tonight. 7:15. i'm amy gutierrez coming to you
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from at&t park with your giants update. coming up. controversy at center court. why the coach of the warriors are telling fans to boycott tonight's playoff game. >> we have a rapid warm-up coming to the bay area starting today. our air quality not suffering just yet. still in the good to moderate range. also doing okay when it comes to pollen levels. i'll let you know when both are going to decrease. we have major changing coming to your weather pattern. those levels will be creeping up. talk about your forecast coming up in just a few moments.
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you're watching 15 minutes of continuous new, weather, and traffic on "today in the bay."
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>> and update, to the breaking news this morning. a fedex spokesman said the situation is over after police found the shooting suspect dead from the apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. this facility still on lock down as officers sweep the area to make sure there's no additional threats. bottom line, six people have been shot. they're all at nearby high scho hospitals. we're not sure how serious the situations are. we'll continue to monitor the situation as give you updates awe get them. >>. time for our forecast. let's take a peak outside. san francisco and san mateo bridge. temperatures are really going to rise today. >> in fact, as we head through tomorrow, that's the warmest. that's when we're expecting to peak. temperatures today are very warm. this is someone who likes to go for a jog, maybe a bike ride. you want to go do so early. it's also a good idea to close the blinds in your home before
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you head out for work this morning. it's 6:44. let's take you outside and show you what we're working with. that is a crystal clear sky at the coast this morning. look at that. you can see both sides. you can see the bay side and the coastal side of the golden gate bring. just completely clear out there. 49 degrees, to kick off the day in the south pay. peninsula at 54. starting at 55 in san francisco and north bay is the chilly spot at 49 degrees for this tuesday. so, the heat is on today. if you've been missing the summertime here in the bay area, it's going to be -- throughout the day today. that's what it will feel like, summertime has arrived. this is not going to be a prolonged heat event. i can tell you that right now. very short-lived. we're done with it by thursday. so, the heat is on for today. a little bit of patchy low cloud cover. nice and clear in the immediate coast. rapid afternoon warming coming
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your way. we'll stay nice and clear all of the way through the evening, a little low cloud cover out there. not much. that's a result of the offshore flow. your sun will set at 7:57. we'll take you through the changes for today. as of 9:00 a.m. we'll be at 65 degrees. then the warm-up is on between none and 3:00 p.m. we're close to 90 degrees and 3:30 is typically the warmest point of the day. that's when you want to head indoors if you can. 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m., nice and mild. 82 degrees in san jose at 6:00 p.m. and 70 degrees by 9:00 p.m. as people try to get to sleep tonight. could be a little difficult if you live in a place where we don't have ac. keep that in mine. in san francisco, might be time to pull out the fan in the closet. 88 degrees in the south pay. and peninsula at 87 degrees. we want to take you through the changes we have coming our way the next five days. as we head through thursday, those are the warmest days.
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friday that heat braeaks. weir he in the 70s and 60s on saturday in san francisco and maybe showers sunday mornings aan area of lepressure tracks our way. definitely have more change coming to the forecast. it will be a hot one. let's check with mike. >> christina, talking about the daylight stretch. you get more daylight hours. as we see that, we see it sort of stretch out as well. leave work early and head in a little later. we're seeing that happen. we're not hitting quite as hard as we expect. after spring break, we see slowing, southbound 380. a little breeze going on but the flag right here, not a big problem. so we'll look at the map through this area. southbound, 880 shows slowing from dakota to the dumbarton bridge. we have slowing towards mission boulevard. slow south 680 as well. silicon valley, northbound 101 slow from capital through the
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airport. 87 into downtown as well. a new crash involving three vehicles, north 87 at 101. just heard about that. next time we see slowing that continues over there and north 85 with the volume building at the south bay. a typical pattern and now kicking in a little later for the community. west 580 sos a pattern. towards dublin. toward 50 miles per hour and eases up as you head through to 680 southbound as well. northbound, 248, a typical pattern a little late there as well. but the bay bridge itself, we have metering lights on there. a live look shows the east sh e shoreway. thank you. mike. a tornado outbreak flattened homes, and flipped cars in at least four states. right now the storm is still on
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the move, blowing into georgia. this morning tens of thousands of people are without power throughout the south including alabama. that's where we are joined live in the town of bessimer. >> good morning, it's been quite the morning in alabama and the northern part of the state. down in birmingham, sirens sounded 8:00 p.m. they continue well past might night. here's the damage we're seeing, winds shearing off a portion of the roof in an apartment complex, that looks dangerous but it's what you can't see that's the most dangerous. a gas leak. they had to be evacuated as that was repaired. the medical center lost power last night and had to operate on emergency generators but were able to keep the doors open. an area near here, you have more problems, downed power lines,
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downed trees, huge trees pulled up at the roots and laid across the road in people's driveways. we saw a garage blown into a bit of a gult. it was a bit of a scary night for people. tornados came through when it was dark. you couldn't see very well. you could hear the eerie call of the sirens and you knew there's a chance something was headed to you. in birmingham they evacuated people from the higher floors of tall buildings, hotels putting their guests in their tornado shelters. we are expecting more bad weather today. already you can see it's really gray, really cloudy. we'll see rain, you think, some higher winds but the one thing people are hoping they don't see are more tornadoes. back you to. >> that's the thing. they try to go through some of the destruction but you can barely make anything out, sarah. sometimes it just picks up an entire house, shakes it to bits
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and dumps it back on the ground and you can't really make anything out. we see images of people going through the rubble looking for sentimental items. we saw in mississippi. a very positive moment when a woman was reunited with her dog. people searching for beloved pets that were hiding from them when the tornado swept through. some lucky enough to be reunited with them. >> let's hope we hear more of that. the "today" show will continue the coverage of the deadly tornados, coming up at 7:00 right after "today" in the bay. also updating our website. a proposal to strengthen loss for sexual assault and bullying. it happened after a woman took her own life after pictures of her assault were circulated at school. >> good morning to you.
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audrey's family has been pushing for this law. audrey's law. basically it was passed. it could would put new protections for victims of bullying, cyberbullying and sexual assault. that was september of 2012 when 15-year-old audrey potts took her own life. sb 838 stemming from her heartbreaking story is harry in sacramento. what happened. a week after she drank too much at a house party. she passed out there. woke up to find crude messages written on her body. her facebook post suggested that she knew photos were taken and she had been assaulted and perhaps students at saratoga high school know about it, too. the teen boys were charged in juvenile court for this with sentences of 30 to 45dys. state law makers are looking at current law on crimes committed by a juvenile can be tried in adult court. the list does not include sex offenses where the victim was in
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a defenseless state. audrey was inca pass stated tat the time. it would also look at stiffer penalties if the offender shows texts or pictures meant to bully the crime victim. audrey's dad is among those that will testify at the hearing. reporting live in saratoga, christie smith. >> today. we'll find out what the nba wants to do about then owner of the clippers, donald sistering. making comments about african-americans telling his girlfriend he doesn't want them tomming to the game. >> it's one of those stories that is jaw-dropping. it's also a defining moment for the nba and pressure is on new league commissioner adam silver. he'll announce today how the nba will respond to those comes
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allegedly made by clippers' owner donald sterling. a suspension is likely. that's happened in the nba and other professional sports leagues. if he is suspended could not attend games or functions and could be forced to hand over day-to-day operations of the team. financially he would be fined $1 million. chump change, since he the the clippers are worth 175 million. some say this really hurts the team and players. former nba players agree that this is a crucial moment for the nba. the nba deals with this in a quick and fort right manner. they continue to have credibility. >> this reminds us many of the situation from major league baseball. marge shott. owner of the cincinnati reds. tar getted minorities to sympathizing with the nazi, major league baseball suspended
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her from day-to-day operations and also fined her about $25,000. now, back to basketball. where we're in the middle of playoff games. yet, donald sterlings sponsors can't distance themselves photograph enough. mercedes, red bull, state farm, sprint and other companies, 12 of them in fact. all pulled back their sponsorship. when you think about it, the clippers' team and fans all together, they have nothing to do with this, but they will absolutely be impacted. >> sure. exactly. we'll be watching for that 11:00 a.m. our time. >> thank you very much, peggy. it's 6:55 right now. a local islamic group said it is unfair people who wear head dress are not allowed to ride go-carts. they say boomers discriminates against people who wear religious head coverings, boomers, runs tracks around the
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country, said it's actually a safety issue. an australian woman was strangled to death when the head wear was caught in the machinery. they'll file complaints and hold a news conference in santa clara this morning at 10:00. >> as soon as restaurants will come up with their own report card. the board of supervisors will talk about an idea that requires restaurants to be up front with customers about the inspections. >> we have more about what the proposal could mean for the restaurant and customers. good morning, bob. >> the board will consider an implementation of a grading system. if you've been to l.a. you know what we're talking about. very similar. restaurants had to post a green, yellow, or red placard in their window letting customers know whether or not they pass their food safety inspections. green means they had no more
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than one major violation. yellow is two or more. that's conditional. and red would be a bad one. that indicates the eatery not only had a violation but failed to fix the problem. the county department of of environmental health website would have to post more information such as a complete inspection report along with a score of zero to 100 to reflect how well the restaurant complied. the silicon valley chamber coalition reportedly expressed the concerns to the board over the $100 fee. and they're also concerned that it might confuse customers that perhaps a straight up pass-fail would be clearer. the board is considering this as a result of the nba investigative unit report that was done last year. in that report, it was found many restaurants would not show the inspection report when asked. the unit also discovered that the county's website was vague in its own reporting of
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violation. incidentally, ucla study in 2003. that food-bourne illnesses dropped by a third after the city instituted that system. and restaurants with good grades made more money. reporting live. >> thank you. bob. >> let's get a look at the forecast. it's going to be hot, christina. >> that's right. except by the water. i'm talking about the coast. temperatures will be on the warm side. if you can get out there. good news, we have some all of way to 8:00 p.m. right now, we're in the mid 50s. we're headed towards the upper 80s later on today in places like san jose. make sure you're ready for that. if you missed the seven-day forecast we'll have it for you every 15 minutes throughout the "today" show. >> a little lighter and gentle build until tuesday.
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i swung this to where we have reports of a car fire. i'm tracking that. you still have a slow drive getting into freemont and heyward. adding to the slow down, there's the rest of your bay. we'll send it back to you. >> thanks, mike. a final check with the top stories, still no word why a man opened fire near atlanta at a fedex facility, shooting six people and turned the gun on himself. he died at the scene. six people in the hospital one in critical condition. >> and the people in the south are ready for another round of deadly weather. dozens of tornadoes tore through several states over the past 48 hours. and supreme court justices will hear two cases today questioning whether police need warrants to search the cell phones of suspects they arrest. law enforcement agencies argue without searching cell phones right away, those phones and evidence on them can be wiped almost immediately. >> one to watch.
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6:59. that's what is happening. we'll be back at 7:25 with a live local update. >> and join us for nba area news at 11:00. have a spectacular hot tuesday. overnight. homes levelled. power knocked out to tens of thousands. one man fearing for his life as he's caught right in the middle of the twister. >> oh, godplease make it pass. please make it pass. >> we'll go live to al and dylan in the storm zone. banned from basketball? how will the nba respond to racist comments allegedly made by clippers owner donald sterling, as the woman who is also on that tape avoids the cameras, and the team gets set to play its first home game sinc


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